Send an iRAPT message based on a Revision of Defense iRAPT Report


Defense suppliers that work on U.S. defense contracts are required to flow down specific information. Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer (iRAPT) is a secure Web-based system for electronic invoicing, receipt and acceptance and is part of the department of defense e-Business Suite. The iRAPT messages are required by the U.S. government. The payment process for a shipment is started for the defense contractor when the iRAPT messages are provided.

Use this activity to set a revision of a Defense iRAPT Report to Sent. To set a Defense iRAPT Report to Sent is a manual action done via the Command to Status/Send in the Defense iRAPT Report header. Once a revision of the Defense iRAPT Report is set to Sent the iRAPT messages is stored as an XML-file containing all the data defined for the revision and the related Defense Report Items that can be used for creation of the files to be sent to government.


System Effects

As a result of this activity: